Energy Healing for Mental Health

On Not Being So Naive

I put together a list of all the things learned thus far about discernment and genuine healthy vs connections.

The Darth Vader Path

Fear is one of the greatest challenges to human evolution – some of the strongest and most gifted are among the ones to get stuck crown deep in the quicksand of fear. I often use Luke Sky Walker and Dark Vader as the perfect examples of the two roads an individual can go when powerfully […]


There is a defining moment for every healer in which the limit of how far into the human psyche one can go, without becoming a little unhinged yourself, is reached.   A moment where something just feels a little too dark, too hopeless, or too far gone. I haven’t reached that limit yet.  Although there have […]

Mental Rubiks Cube

I take on Psychology like it’s a mental Rubik’s cube. Everyone’s psyche is like a whole universe of it’s own. I remember as a kid enjoying puzzles and demystifying things.  I knew without knowing that the key to unlocking the secret to anything was in it’s understanding.   What I mean by understanding is – having […]

Psychology Emotions and the Laws of the Universe

The laws of the universe have served as keys to unlocking certain codes of healing. A few years ago before knowing anything about the Kabylion, these truths had already started to take shape in my consciousness forming the foundation of my psychological framework as a psychotherapist. With these tools,  I was able to start transmuting […]

The Mother Heart my personal experience of healing from past life trauma

I had the most intense healing experience today that I felt the need to share. I woke up feeling stomach discomfort and an increase in heart palpitations that normally indicate some fear or resistance surfacing. I laid down thinking this would be a simple quick healing. I started from the Sacral Chakra area and gradually […]

Healing Through Self Love part 3

So how do we develop Self-Love Firstly, not being honest about your imperfections doesn’t change them it just prevents you from healing those parts of yourself.  These are the parts within that are reacting to fear and emotional pain.  That’s okay.  That’s being human. Secondly, we have to define what self-love is. Love cannot exist […]

Healing Through Self Love part 2

How we love and or how we receive love reflects our level of self-love. Self-love requires an intimate relationship with self. It means self-penetration. You probably didn’t even know that was possible. Unfortunately,  we haven’t been taught that not only is this possible but it’s essential that we do….because the relationship we have with ourselves […]

Healing Through Self Love part 1

Before self love there is just Love.  So let’s start with examining of what love means to you.   Take a  minute or two to reflect on what love feels and looks like to you.  Then ask yourself these two questions: What does it mean when I love? How do I know when I love? Most of […]